I have had the most incredible few days that have filled me with inspiration. Following on from the World Drum events, I went to Wildways on the Borle in Shropshire on Wednesday for a women's drum session.
Around twenty of us walked through the beautiful woodland before we reached the roundhouse, an exact replica of what our ancient ancestors would have lived in.
Once we closed the door it was as though we were shutting the 21st century out and following the footsteps of our ancestors. It was such a beautiful atmosphere with the fire crackling in the centre, giving the only light and it was all the light we needed as we sat in a circe and chatted before playing. I didn't have a drum but within minutes a lady gave me a huge Djembe drum to play all night. It was an incredible experience, I don't know where it came from but I lost all my inhibitions, I have never played anything like that on my own and not in front of other people who had been doing it for years but I found myself making my own rhythm which magically seemed to fit with everyone else's.
As I walked around the fire which was then glowing in the centre, I became a different person, it was an incredible experience. I can almost understand how the Shamans can go so deeply into a trance and take on other forms, I felt like I was on the cusp myself.
Inside the Yurt at Wildways with the famous World Drum
Saturday I attended the Druid Hedge School event, also at Wildways. It was a wonderful day with fascinating talks and meditations. Greywolf, Chief of the British Druid Order did a meditation called The Three Cauldrons. It actually made me cry for some reason, not out of sadness, it was just such a powerful experience that left me feeling so inspired. It was though I was actually drawing up creativity through my body and into my head which was bursting with ideas to create something.
It has given me the final push for something I have been considering for a while. Next month I will be enrolling on the full Bardic training with the British Druid Order. I thirst to learn and feel that I have to do it, even though it's a big commitment of one years study, it feels right for me.
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