My drum was delivered at the weekend and it was a very special occasion as I have been waiting for months to buy one.
There is something about a drum beat that gets to me, it's a healing and uplifting sound that soothes or energises most people. Even though I am not an expert and probably sounding awful to everyone else around me, at least I can take myself off to places where I don't bother anyone and can enjoy my own noise in my own magical way.
My drum is a 'fair trade' drum so I feel it is from a good source, the skin is from goat which has not just been killed for this drum but as food. I would not wish to upset any people who disagree with using animals in this way but I believe that the animal has fed someone and then its skin used just as we do with leather handbags or shoes.
The difference to me is that this animal will live again through the beat of the drum because I will honour its heartbeat through the beat of the drum.